How to Build a Low-Cost Unconventional Home Gym

Many people have a lot on their plates between working shifts, dropping kids off at their schools, finding time to relax, and spend time with family and friends. Working out in a gym is usually a pastime, while for some — a necessary measure for sound health. This article will show how to build a home gym at a reasonably low cost.

How to Build a Low-Cost Unconventional Home Gym

Juggling so many tasks and activities within 24 hours, minus 5-6 hours of sleep, is a huge deal for all of us. It gets even more choking when you have to make time for working out not just to get cool abs but to stay fit and healthy as your doctor recommended. You might not get to make it to the gym most of the week, depending on the type of shifts you take. Imagine having a gym right there in your house, the one you see every day, and that is seconds away. Did someone say, “Yeah, but I don’t have that kind of money”? Well, consider this a valuable crash course on how to build a home gym on a budget. Below are some home gym ideas on a budget that will make it a smooth one for you.

Do You Have the Space for a Cheap Home Gym Setup?

Truth is there’s always space, you’ve just got to figure how much you need to start up something. It’s also important to get a place that is less prone to distractions where you can work out with good music and have alone time while working those muscles and getting fit. The best space you could come up with maybe outdoors. Outdoor spaces are not ideal, though, so before opting for it, you need to weigh the pros and cons alongside the small indoor space you have at your disposal.

Why Are You Getting a Home Gym?

This is one amidst many questions you need to ask yourself before taking the big step. Do you have specific activities you enjoy in the gym? What do you want out of this? As was mentioned earlier, people work out for different reasons, which can be limited to two: to look great and strictly to be fit and healthy. Some do this based on a doctor’s recommendation, and others simply know it’s the best thing for their bodies and even mental health. It’s called burning off some steam.

By now, you already know what category you fall into, which takes us to the point. This article doesn’t aim to trivialize important things. We just need you to find out how much you want or need this. Building a home gym is a significant move, even if you are doing it on a budget. It involves structural changes that would impact the entire house and your finances, no matter how cheap. And the truth is you can’t have an all in one home gym without spending too much. If your workout routine involves costly equipment, you might want to retain your membership at the gym center and just try saving up.

What’s Your Budget Like?

The last sentence in the previous subheading was about expensive equipment and the chances of getting them at once. If you need something like a rack, you’d be spending more money than someone who just does floor exercises. This means that for a low budget, home gym exercises are better when they involve floor equipment like a medicine ball.

You might want to ask if there’s a way to get this equipment at cheaper costs, especially if you need the home gym because you have tight work shifts. There’s definitely a solution to that. Now, one thing about these gymnastics centers people register with is that it takes a lot of money to keep it afloat. It’s why there is a handful of these centers that have been closed down. Their owners put the equipment on auction sites for relatively lower prices, so you can get it from there or directly from the gyms. Used home gym equipment might just make all the difference!

How to Build a Low-Cost Unconventional Home Gym – Basic Home Gym Equipment

It’s not a good idea to have a home gym design without provision for essential gym equipment. Exercising in the comfort of your house is what a home gym is all about. Below is a list of the best home gym equipment cheap enough to install in the house.

Kettle Bells

A kettlebell is an essential tool in any regular gym. And the best part is that it can be used by anybody regardless of how long you have been working out. It helps you get into shape and burn some fat quickly and efficiently. Without a doubt, kettlebells are must-haves for a house gym. More so, it’s cheap, and the price ranges between $10- $20.

How to Build a Low-Cost Unconventional Home Gym

Jump Ropes

Can you think of something that you actually believe will remain relevant for a very long time? Well, we are sure they are very few, and one of them is a jump rope. Many of us had parents, and even grandparents, who grew up skipping ropes, and kids still do that these days. Its impact is sadly underrated, but we believe it’s something that should make up your personal in-house gymnastic center. One of the best things about jump ropes is that it allows you to get some rest when you eventually mess up the rhythm. You can get jump ropes for $10 or less.

Ab Rollers

If you don’t know what that is, you probably guessed that they do something to your abs. Well, you are right: ab rollers help you build strong and healthy triceps while strengthening your abdominal muscles and entire core. It’s a critical and useful device for $20-$25.

Gliding Discs

Gliding Discs, also are known as gliders, are disc-shaped. Once they are on the floor, you can add some weight, depending on the exercise you are doing. It’s a versatile fitness tool and can be used anywhere, including small indoor spaces. You can get a piece for $10-$12.


If you are going to exercise at home without an instructor, you’ll need to make sure you know the best exercises to help you reach your goal. More importantly, memorize them so that you don’t miss out on any. Bodyweight flashcards will help you do that and get you reacquainted with the exercises you might have forgotten. They will cost you between $20-$35.

Flat Benches and Mirrors

A flat bench is another very underrated thing. In fact, you might be wondering why it deserves mentioning. Well, a flat bench can be used for more than just a bench press. If you get creative with it or ask an expert, it can help with a bunch of other exercises like rows and split squats, amongst others. You can get a durable flat bench for less than $50.

Mirrors are always present in standard gymnastic centers. Their purpose is to see exactly what you are doing with the tools and checking out your progress when you are done. You can get cheap large mirrors for home gym as they would help you keep with your growth and stimulate your drive.

Reverse Crunches

Get a whole body workout with the Side Shaper. This device combines all of the above, giving you a full body at home workout with proven benefit after just 5 minutes a day. We know you all have a busy lifestyle, so use workout tools that fit into your busy life.

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Side Shaper

Conclusion: Remember, those are just the basic fitness tools required for a home fitness center. And to sum it all up, building a home gym takes a lot of work. If you consider a low budget, just get those essential tools installed, and as time goes by, you can add other fitness equipment. Starting small means you’ll be doing a lot of floor exercises. Be sure to get a cheap home gym flooring rubber tiles or other accessories that will make your workout session even more productive. Now, in your quest to build your own home gym, you’ll need to make some plans and strategies. Building a home gym on a budget is not just about the required equipment; there are other vital things to pay attention to.

The Next Level

A great daily fitness routine is a good start, but only one third of the job. We believe in the tree legged stool (diet-fitness-mindset) to truly turn your body into a temple.

Check out our article on starting and sticking to a proper diet plan like to keto diet and our article on intermittent fasting.

To improve your mindset, maybe consider becoming a modern Renaissance Man like these six extraordinary gentlemen.

Author’s bio: James Somers has been in the fitness industry for 10 years and counting and is the owner of Somerbodies. He specializes in functional fitness, bodyweight, and circuit training and strongly believes that fitness found him and not the other way around. With a passion for fitness, James would like to continue sharing his extensive knowledge of fitness, health, and nutrition to as many people as possible. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact James! Also, check out his website.