19 personality types

Do you know which of the 16 personality types makes you the man you are?

Read on then take the free test to find out…

We all want to be known as “a nice guy” but as great as that is, it doesn’t really say much more about you, other than you’re good to be around. And it’s one of the personality types that makes you the way you are.

But there are even more reasons to find out what personality type you fall into:

1. You learn about who you really are. You can stop trying to be some or something else when you know who you are. You learn self acceptence.
2. You’ll understand your relationships. You’ll see the differences between you and the other people around you, making it easier to make relationship connections.
3. You’ll make better career choices. You’re going to have to work for most of your life, so you want to do a job you’re going to like and enjoy and what that career is and what you like to do is determined by personality types.
4. You’ll understand your limitations/tolerancies. You’ll be able to yes and no to opportunities that come your way, knowing if it was right for you or not.
5. You’ll understand your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing what you’re good and bad you’ll become the first-class version of yourself you deserve to be. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses tells you what you need to work on and allows you to live your life on your own terms.

So, to reach your full potential, to improve your well being and to make better decisions, you need to know which of the 16 personality types you fall into. Now I don’t want to blind you with science, so keep things relatively simple the 16 personality types fall into 4 main categories:

  • Analysts
  • Diplomats
  • Sentinels
  • Explorers

And each of these 4 categories has 4 personality types:

  • Analysts – Architect, Logician, Commander, Debater
  • Diplomats– Advocate, Mediator, protagonist, campaigner
  • Sentinels – Logistician, Defender, Executive, Consul
  • Explorers – Virtuoso, Adventurer, Entrepreneur, Entertainer

And each of the 4 types has 4 personality traits that use letters to make up the personality type. Actually there are 8 letters (traits) and it’s a combination of 4 of them that determines the type. Still with me – Good?

Okay, as a picture speaks a thousand words here’s an explanation of the 8 personality traits as a diagram. Take a look and you’ll have a better idea of what I mean.

For a full-sized image just click it and it will open in a new window for you

Myers Briggs personality types
Click the image to view full screen in a new window

Understanding yourself forms a major part of you taking care of yourself, both mentally and physically. You can read more about that here.

Now the test you’re about to take uses the Myers-Briggs personality Type test which includes everything I’ve just talked about and tells you which of the personality types you fall into. The test only takes a few minutes and the results are instant. The link to the test will open in a new window, and once you’ve completed it we’d love to know what personality type you have in a comment below.

This test has been taken almost 100 million times, it is very reliable and highly accurate. Just be honest when you answer the questions and it’s worth doing a couple of times to compare the results – Here it is…

Click here to take the Myers-Briggs 16 personality types test.

Enjoy the test and let us know how you get on.
