semen retention

Semen retention, is it good for you? These giants of history seemed to think so…

In certain parts of the world, masturbation and sometimes even sex is deemed sinful, or straight-up harmful. For example, in the Eastern world, monks of Chinese Folk tradition believe that masturbation diminishes one’s “Qi”, which figuratively means “life-force”.

In the West, multiple philosophers have stated the dangers of sexual practice, especially masturbation. For instance, Immanuel Kant in his work “Metaphysics of Morals” calls masturbation an “acting contrary to a duty to himself.”

Kant later states that a man who masturbates falls lower than a beast. Do these claims have any merit? It is not known to this day, but here is a list of six extraordinary people who have thought about sex and masturbation in a negative light and practiced abstinence.

Winston Churchill

Portrait of Winston Churchill

One of the best leaders in our history is the man who helped to beat Adolf Hitler – Winston Churchill. Even though his “breakfast consisted of a cigar and a glass of whiskey”, which is in no way advisable, he knew about the benefits of semen retention and practiced it.

Churchill once remarked, “The reason I can write so much is that I don’t waste my essence in bed.” The “essence” he was talking about is semen, and if he publicly made such a statement, the practice of restraining his sexuality has definitely played a part in his extraordinary achievements.


Portrait of Michelangelo

The most prominent sculptor of our history has also abstained from masturbation and sex. He used a hammer and a chisel to create two of the most remarkable sculptures of our era – David and Pietà, which beauty is so breathtaking that pictures do not cut it.

Besides being one of the best sculptors, Michelangelo also painted and was an architect. One of the buildings he planned is St. Peter’s Basilica. This church is the peak of the Renaissance’s brilliance, and to this day it is the largest church on the planet.

These accomplishments were fueled by his “monk-like chastity”, as Michelangelo’s contemporary biographer Ascanio Condivi has noted. Another thing, suggesting that this genius might have been a celibate, is that in his works, women are very manly and androgynous. He depicted women mostly as men with breasts, possibly because he was never intimate with a member of the opposing gender.

Nikola Tesla

Portrait of Nikola Tesla

The man who invented the 20th century was also celibate and was chaste for his entire life. Most of his engineering feats are yet to be repeated – at the very start of the 20th century, he invented a way to transmit electricity wirelessly and worldwide. For free.

All a customer had to do was to stick a metal rod into the ground and one could enjoy the free, wireless electricity. Without that, Tesla manhandled nature itself – he created devices that could cause earthquakes and manifest ball lightings.

He died a virgin, but not because he was some awkward loser, it was his own, conscious decision. In reality, Tesla was a handsome, successful man (he rejected royalty money from his invention which would have made him the first billionaire in human history).

Then why did he decide to reject sexual pleasures? In one interview, when he was talking about sexual energy, he stated, “The woman is the biggest thief of that energy, and thus of spiritual power. I always have known that and kept this energy to myself.”

From myself, I created what I wanted.” The man himself has said it. Out of semen retention, which produced sexual energy, all of his inventions were born.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci

The archetype of the “renaissance man”, arguably the most renowned Homo Universalis of humankind. His range of expertise ranged from art to engineering, human physiology, and many more.

He is the epitome of semen retention, and his blazing ambition to become the master of all trades showcases to us how saving one’s seed might make a man so extraordinary.

The most eminent genius of the Renaissance is known to have never been married and in no letters or diaries of his are found any scribbles, which indicate that he was ever interested in a romantic relationship, let alone sexual acts.

Leonardo Da Vinci has once himself spoken out his opinion on it, “The act of procreation and everything that has any relation to it is so disgusting that human beings would soon die out if it were not a traditional custom and if there were no pretty faces and sensuous dispositions.”

After this statement, it is pretty clear that Leonardo Da Vinci practiced semen retention, and obviously, his achievements and brilliance back up this claim.

Sigmund Freud

Portrait of Sigmund Freud

He is probably the most controversial personality on this list. He polarized the world with his odd theories, from women plaiting their pubic hair to hide their shame of not having a penis, to the Oedipus complex, which states that boys want to have sexual intercourse with their mothers.

Besides his weird theories, he had what to say about masturbation. He thought, that masturbation caused anxiety and that the sexual activity was not compatible with achieving any great work. Because of that, even though he had a wife, from forty years old, up until his death, he became full celibate.

It is now known that most of his theories have no scientific basis, but he is the father of psychoanalysis and we can not ignore his legacy. What is important is that he chose the path of semen retention and harvested its benefits.

Steve Jobs

Portrait of Steve Jobs created with technological appliances

It was too early for Steve to leave our world, but it was his genius and stubbornness that gave us Apple. He rejected medical treatment for his pancreatic cancer for nine months, swearing that his fruitarian diet would cure him. Nevertheless, love him or hate him, he was a genius. Steve Jobs revolutionized phones, computers, and digital entertainment.

Even though he had children, he believed in sexual energy, and he would refuse to reach an orgasm and ejaculate. We know this fact from the book “The bite in the Apple” by Chrisann Brennan, possibly the first Steve Jobs’s girlfriend. She shares intimate details of their relationship.

She states, “Our birth control method up to that point was Steve’s coitus interruptus, also called the pull-out method, which for him was about his conserving his energy for work.” It was a part of Steve Jobs’s practice of tantric sex when the goal of intercourse is not to ejaculate and experience pleasure but to harness sexual energy.

Adolf Hitler

Portrait of Adolf Hitler
Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-H1216-0500-002 / CC-BY-SA

Another name that gets quoted often on the topic of semen retention is that of Adolf Hitler, there’s certainly no shortage of speculation when it comes to Hitler’s sex life, which was likely very weird and varied, but most of them lack any proof the back it up.

While Hitler did leave us some personal information in his writings, never does he address or allude to his sexuality, making any rumor out there nothing more than pure speculation and dramatization.

Logically, given his life, he doesn’t get much sympathy, nor do many people like to step up and defend him, and is often the subject of crazy claims and conspiracy theories.

One thing that’s safe to assume is that Hitler was a late bloomer when it came to sexuality and, while we would certainly like to find out what he thought about semen retention, there is simply no way to draw any conclusions with certainty, leaving Hitler’s sex life to the speculators.


Many other extraordinary men abstained from sexual acts and believed in the benefits of such practice. Whether it is effective or not, science has yet to say, but without doubt, the guys on this list have changed the course of human history in one form or another.

If you decide to reject sexual pleasure yourself and practice semen retention, well, you are in heady company. But for us after going around the office and asking if we should try it, the resounding answer was “Fornicate Under Consent of the King OFF.”

Anyway, want to read more on semen retention? We recommend Semen Retention Miracle: Secrets of Sexual Energy Transmutation for Wealth, Health, Sex and Longevity (Cultivating Male Sexual Energy) by Joseph Peterson. It’s a great practical book that talks about both traditions and modern science regarding the topic at hand. Check it out on Amazon or sign up for a free Audible trial to listen to it.

Another great recommendation is Martin Prescott’s Quit Porn and Get Rich: The Unspoken Rule of Successful People. It’s a deeper look at the dangers of porn and how it affects the psyche, rewires your brain, and talks about how to channel that energy to become successful. Think and Grow Rich meets Rich Dad Poor Dad.
