recreational viagra is it a good idea

Why and how is it that men from a certain age seem to get bombarded with emails about ED and Viagra? Is it that ED is that common for men, and so I suppose the real question is at what time in his life does a man stop getting hard?

Well, according to when a man reaches 40 he got a 40% chance of suffering from ED, and that skyrockets to about 70% by the time we reach 70. Age is not the only factor of course but those numbers are pretty grim reading. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that if there’s a cure for it, we’re all over it.

And, are we all on some male, age-related, database somewhere that sellers have access to? Maybe, and that opens us up to the MOFO phishers, scammers, and sellers of less than pure products (especially on the dark web) who see an opportunity to make a fast buck from our misery!

Why Would One Want To Try Recreational Viagra

Men who face problems generating or sustaining an erection suffer generally from mild, moderate, or extreme cases of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). This can arise due to surgery that has to be done for people who are victims of prostate enlargement, also known as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. This is the targeted audience for the very popular drug, Viagra.

During surgery, the prostate is removed and during the process, delicate nerves are damaged. These are the nerves responsible for sending and receiving signals of stimuli and from the brain. Once damaged, the repair is almost impossible and the penis fails to develop an erection due to the inability to communicate with the Central Nervous System (CNS).

Some people may not even have ED and simply wish to consume Viagra to improve their performance in bed. For the sake of convenience, we will term this recreational use of Viagra as recreational Viagra. Moreover, some people struggle with premature ejaculation or prolonged refractory periods. PDE-5 inhibiting pills like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra can be consumed to sustain long-lasting erections that can suffice for a duration of 4 to 8 hours.

However, the usage of recreational Viagra comes with its list of do’s and don’ts, which is what we will be navigating through via this article.

Should you take recreational viagra

Should You Consume Recreational Viagra?

So, let us deal with the crux of the matter in the very beginning. You could just go ahead and buy generic Viagra online but the catch here is in the question of whether Viagra is safe for recreational consumption. The answer is a blunt no!

The side effects and possible drug interactions with Viagra limit the drug to people who are only in dire need of the medication. You would not want to use Viagra irresponsibly and worsen your overall condition. Irrespective of whether it is to improve your personal experience or impress your partner, it is not suggested to use Viagra recreationally.

Who Consumes Recreational Viagra?

The consumption chart of Viagra has always had an upward trajectory ever since its inception in 1998. Today, more than 1.7 million prescriptions for Viagra are administered each year. The sad plight is that most of the users who recreational Viagra might be consuming the pills with substances that should never be mixed. These substances mostly include alcohol and illegal drugs.

Research states that several men consume Viagra to improve their athletic prowess. This a divergent purpose of usage and can lead to several harmful effects on the reproductive system and the body as a whole. Men who play intense sports or visit the gym daily are known to consider Viagra as their Vitamin V drug.

The major drawback of this habit is that steroids are known to reduce sperm count, increase male baldness, and lead to the formation of breasts. In addition to this, testicular atrophy, and even infertility in some unfortunate cases is seen. These steroid users are majorly dependent on recreational Viagra to restore the ability to indulge in sexual activity. This is an incorrect dependency as Viagra can only help maintain an erection while sexually stimulated. It does not, in any way, lead to increased sexual satisfaction and performance – all that is just in the head.

the potential side effects of taking recreational viagra

Perils Of Recreational Viagra

Men who use Viagra recreationally are procuring recreational Viagra over-the-counter or through online websites. Most of these websites are not monitored by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and other reputed healthcare ministries. This gives the sellers the freedom and flexibility to mix ingredients in random compositions and combinations as per their inventory.

These websites intend to bring customers back for more which is achieved through the modified composition of these pills. There could be dire side effects if you are sold fake, counterfeit, contaminated, or expired Viagra pills. Common side effects that non-prescription Viagra can lead to are headaches, dizziness, heartburns, nosebleeds, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, abdominal pain, and so on.

Although Viagra is the most effective ED drug in the market, its side effects are the highest and can include severe drawbacks like increased sensitivity to light, nasal congestion, muscle pain, back pain, etc. 100 mg Viagra pills can lead to a condition known as priapism. Priapism is referred to as the prolonged occurrence of an erection that can go on for up to 8 hours.

Having an erection for so long can burst blood vessels within the veins in the penile structure. This can lead to irreversible nerve damage and further harm to the pelvic area. Patients who have underlying health conditions must most definitely never resort to using Viagra recreationally. The interactions that it can have with existing bodily conditions must be studied by a doctor clinically.

tips for taking viagra safely

Tips To Mitigate The Side Effects of Recreational Viagra

Always abide by the dosage amount prescribed to you by your doctor. The doctor analyzes your condition and gives you a prescription based on their analysis. Do not try and take matters into your hand by increasing the dosage unnecessarily. Stronger doses of Viagra do not lead to increased libido and can cause further permanent damage. The few remaining functioning nerves within the penile structure.

If you think that the prescribed dosage is ineffective, then consult your doctor before increasing the dosage by yourself. If you plan to use Viagra on a specific day, you must limit your alcohol intake to be rewarded with the best effects that Viagra can impart. Alcohol comes under the category of depressants and affects every part and organ in the body.

Consuming Viagra directly after meals is not a good idea. When you have eaten heavy meals, it becomes hard for your body to absorb Viagra as the food is already in the process of digestion. Due to this, there is a delay in the absorption of Viagra, leading to less strong, shorter, and slightly ineffective erections.

Once the active ingredient of sildenafil citrate is exhausted, the nitric oxide levels responsible for greater blood flow drop again. The PDE-5 enzyme that regulates blood circulation to different parts of the body is produced at higher levels. This leads to the failure to generate an erection, irrespective of whether sexually aroused or not.
Consuming recreational Viagra and expecting a spike in your interest and desire to indulge in sexual activity would be naive. No ED medication can increase your libido or sex drive. If you want to partake in sexual activity, you cannot rely on recreational Viagra to do your work for you.


Be patient and do not let performance anxiety get to you. Do not consume ED drugs unless you’ve been clinically examined by a professional and have been cleared for the medication. Recreational use of Viagra is strictly prohibited, as it has more downsides than benefits.

Always beware of the risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) upon the use of recreational Viagra. Viagra is not a protective film that restricts the sperm from entering the vagina, nor does it lead to the sperm being blocked in the penis during ejaculation. The only purpose that Viagra serves is that it helps a man get a stronger erection, that too only if the male is sexually excited.
