Cissus Quadrangularis

Modern western medicine as good as it is is sometimes not what we’re looking for. The side effects of some modern drugs can be enough to put you off using them. And in any case, most modern pills and potions are derivatives of more natural ancient remedies. So I thought I’d try and find a few with multiple benefits that you might like to know about.

And I’d like to bring this one to you first: Cissus Quadrangularis aka “The Devils Backbone.” But let me tell ya… it’s an angel in disguise.

Here are 12 Amazing Benefits of Cissus Quadrangularis

  • Weight Loss

Cissus Quadrangularis promotes weight loss when combined with a healthy diet. Plenty of exercises are suggested as well. It regulates hormone levels, spikes metabolism, and suppresses appetite. This makes it easier for the body to process calories and lose weight. Increased metabolism is a great benefit for people with Thyroid disorders. They generally have a very hard time losing weight. And as we get older men tend to gain weight around our bellies, which comes with all sorts of nasty health issues. So it’s really important we address an expanding waistline early and Cissus Quadrangularis is known to help.

  • Healthy Heart

This plant has properties that lower cholesterol levels. Meanwhile, good cholesterol actually increases! This improvement protects the body from heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. This will increase your endurance and sexual health as well. Cissus Quadrangularis also lowers toxin levels in the blood. This makes for a healthy and happy heart. If heart issues are prevalent in a family, then taking this supplement daily can greatly reduce your genetic risk factors.

  • Strong and Healthy Bones

Research shows that this miracle plant increases the production of osteoblasts. These are the cells responsible for growing bone. Taking daily supplements of Cissus Quadrangularis will help prevent Osteoporosis and other diseases of the bones. It helps with degeneration that naturally occurs with age. It’s also used to accelerate healing after fractures. Studies prove that when patients take this plant as a supplement, their bones heal faster compared to those who did not take it. This tradition originated from Ayurvedic culture centuries ago.

  • Dental Health

A good way to stay away from the dentist is to supplement with this. It helps keep the teeth strong and healthy. This plant increases calcium production. More calcium equals healthy teeth. Healthy teeth don’t break, chip, or have cavities. Lockjaw is a common problem. This plant helps with that as well. This prevents excessive grinding and scraping of the teeth.

  • Preventing and Improving Diabetes

This plant’s role in Diabetes prevention is also due to the weight loss benefit. Morbid obesity is a precursor to Diabetes. Losing weight will help prevent this illness. However, this multifaceted plant has a unique benefit. It has the ability to naturally decrease blood sugar levels in the body by regulation. Liver damage is also reduced due to improved insulin sensitivity. This will increase your overall levels of energy and sensitivity as well.

  • Digestive Health

Multiple studies have shown that Cissus Quadrangularis restores the protective layer of mucus in the stomach. This can help prevent and heal ulcers.

  • Anti-Inflammatory

It’s been known for generations in India and Asia that this plant is a miracle worker for joint pain. Inflammation of the joints and tendons causes discomfort. This amazing plant has natural properties that reduce general and acute inflammation. It’s even used when treating Hemorrhoids. It’s been noted to have an effect similar to bioflavonoids.

  • Mood Swings

Devil’s Backbone is a natural treatment for mood swings. Serotonin levels are increased, and disposition will generally improve. This will also improve relationships in personal and professional life.

  • Immunity and Healing Responses

Vitamin C is found in high levels in this plant. This vitamin accelerates growth and repair in the body. Did you know that vitamin C is an important part of collagen? Collagen builds muscle tissue, blood vessels, arteries, and just about everything else in the body. Vitamin C also plays a crucial role in immune system response. Another name for vitamin C is ascorbic acid. One reason Ascorbic Acid benefits your immune system is that it stimulates the creation of white blood cells. These cells fight like a rebel army against infections and improve your overall health. Therefore, Cissus Quadrangularis can be used to accelerate healing and prevent most illnesses.

  • Respiratory Issues

Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, this is a natural treatment that’s similar to steroids. It has no serious known side effects. It can help treat Asthma, and regular supplementation can actually help prevent Asthma attacks. It’s a natural treatment for Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Sinusitis, and Pharyngitis as well.

Here’s a couple of great benefits for the ladies in our lives…

  • Menstrual Cramps and Bloating

One of the most common and popular uses of Cissus Quadrangularis is to relieve menstrual cramps. It also helps increase serotonin levels and helps regulate hormones. It helps relieve bloating and pain as well. This contributes to the major popularity it’s gained. Many women suffer needlessly every month. This plant can help ease that suffering.

  • The Dreaded Menopause

Cissus Quadrangularis eases the awful symptoms of Menopause. It regulates hormones, helps with hot flashes, mood swings, and discomfort. Women over the age of fifty should supplement with this plant daily. They will sleep better, feel better, and lead happier lives.

Side Effects

As with all medicines (natural or not) there is the potential for some side effects and Cissus quadrangularis in no different. As long as you take it as prescribed the side effects should be minimal. However, there have been some reports of an increase in gas, some insomnia, headaches, dry mouths, and diarrhea. Very minor in comparison to some other drugs used to help the above conditions!


The safety of your health is paramount so before you decide to take it, check with your doctor or healthcare professional and heed their advice, especially if you are taking other prescribed medicines for other conditions.

This amazing gift of nature is part of the grape family. This plant is a house for healing due to its high levels of carotenoids, vitamins, and minerals. Most people use it for weight loss or menstrual cramps. However, it’s gaining popularity in general medicine. It can be taken as an extract or supplement. Cissus Quadrangularis is exported from Africa and Asia to the United States, the UK and countries around the world and you can buy it on Amazon. It originated in India, but legend says it started growing in Sri Lanka. It’s a perennial plant with a few nicknames like Devil’s Backbone and Veldt Grape. Ancient cultures knew about the powers of this plant for centuries. Sometimes, the simplest and most natural treatment is best.


cover image arrtribution: Mokkie [CC BY-SA]
